The necessity of international communication between scientific, technological and industrial centers

Scientific research cooperation has its roots in the 17th century AD and scientific correspondence between scientists in England, France and Germany. But the peak of scientific cooperation should be sought after the Second World War. After the Second World War followed by the beginning of the Cold War, the attention of the countries of the world to science and technology doubled, as the progress in science and technology had its own complexities. Research affairs required large budgets, specialized human resources to a large extent and in various fields, equipments, etc. became complicated, which in many cases were beyond the responsibility of a country. This topic caused the countries to cooperate in the fields of science and technology, and regional and international scientific research organizations and centers were established.

By studying the development history of developing countries, especially East Asian countries, it can be seen that in the course of development, they have strengthened the technological base of their country by transferring it from other developed countries, and then by creating a suitable economic infrastructure, they try to strengthen academic centers. and their own research

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Modern science in Russia began to actively develop in the 18th century; since then, many [...]